In our new Support Teams page we wish to share about another Matrix that the Embassy of Peace is blended with on an energy level. Via the below heart-warming insights, Jasmuheen will also share how each program came into being via her direct experiences with each Matrix of Support.

This section requires and open heart and mind as it introduces more of the etheric support teams – of the greatest light and love – that are working with our Ambassadors on Earth. See a video on these ones at the end of this page.
And so we would like to begin the with following video that talks of being on other planets – bilocation – plus telepathy and more.
VIDEO 1 – Meetings with Light Beings and Buddha on Venus with Jasmuheen
In this Inspiring Real Life Stories video above, Jasmuheen shares the story of her first conscious visit with the Light Beings on Venus and also about the problems with being in our ego and in too much mental energy which can limit the field of revelation. She also shares about bilocation, telepathy, higher dimensional beings and meetings in other star systems. Part 1 of 2 videos about Venus meeting, the second follows on below. This video forms part of her Inspiring Real Life stories series at this link.
VIDEO 2 – The birth of the Embassy of Peace & Meeting Light Beings on Venus plus Earth’s Evolution with Jasmuheen
In this next video above, Jasmuheen talks of her second meeting on Venus in 2006 and the establishment of powerful programs on Earth that are answering prayers for many. She continues discussing telepathy and contact as she has experienced this since she was very young – also the role we have of being the messenger, misunderstanding messages and more.

How the Luscious Lifestyles Program came into being … In the below video, Jasmuheen shares how the Luscious Lifestyles program came to be and the Ascended Master support Matrix behind this lifestyle program plus its effects on people’s health and happiness levels over the last 17 + years that it has been applied by so many.

How the 12 Pathways of Peace program came into being … Angelic Paths and a Divine Dance with Jasmuheen – In this below video of Real Life Inspiring Stories, Jasmuheen shares about her love for, and the benefits of, Sufi Dancing and how in that ecstatic state she connected with the Angelic realms and received the 12 Pathways of Peace. In this insightful peace-filled video, she also offers techniques for accessing higher levels of creativity plus some powerful quantum coding.
In the following video Jasmuheen talks about how the Unity Reset Program came into this world from the Beings of Light from the Unified realms.

In this Inspiring Real Life story below about the birth f the Unity Reset program plus more, Jasmuheen’s energy transmissions bring you into the Unity Reset field with her Light Being friends by reliving two powerful experiences with them before then taking you into a heartfelt, powerful life upgrade and activation code so you can fulfil what you were born to do at this time and aid all in this challenging time. In this new video, the coding is towards the end … but receive the transmission of energy leading up to it for the complete coding effectiveness.
The Blue Line Beings – in this next video Jasmuheen shares about the 3 lines of beings who are working with so many on Earth – those that connnect with governments who are engaged in trade and technology exchange plus those that are connecting with pure-hearted meditators whose lives vibrate in nourishing way. It is the Blue Line Beings that support the Embassy of Peace and our Affiliate Initiation ceremony.
In this final video for this page above, Jasmuheen shares openly about her many meetings with what she calls the Blue Line Beings who are a collection of higher consciousness Light Beings from many star systems who always operate for the highest good of all sentient life. These are the multi-dimensional and the ones working with so many heart centered people on Earth. They are very different to the ones connecting with governments are others in technological or trade exchange.
Below …. A powerful Light Being Message on Ascension and Holographic reality