We also now have regular Live Zoom Events that you will find among our Online Courses as first they will be filmed LIVE then offered for access after the event so that those who tuned in live can re-listen and those who couldn’t join us can still enjoy what we shared …
An important note …
Please click on the Categories you will find at the link below below where you will find both past LIVE Zoom events plus upcoming events.
Scroll down to find the right date. Note that is is never too late to join us as you can purchase past events to be informed then for the future as you will know via experience, what we have covered and what each group has gone through and absorbed.
Also note that at the moment all our Live Zoom Events have been done in countries that have been struggling due to the pandemic.
As all Courses are in English plus another language then all can join us from many countries especially our English only speakers.
Link for these below …