About … Embassy Founder, Ambassador of Peace, Jasmuheen …
- The author of 42 books that are now published in 20 languages Jasmuheen is also the
- Lifetime President of the Global Congress of Spiritual Scientists – GCSS – Pyramid Valley, India, and also the founder and primary supporter of the Embassy of Peace.
- As both Founder and Ambassador of Peace for the Embassy, Jasmuheen has traveled constantly since 1994 with her work being integrated in around 55 countries with programs that are designed to improve the health and happiness levels of countless people from all cultural and religious backgrounds,
- which includes her work with indigenous cultures in Colombia, the Amazons and also the slums in Brazil.
- Jasmuheen has also designed and shares all the educational programs for the Embassy of Peace and its Online Courses at this link.
- She is also known for her powerful works of Sacred Art.

Her work with global education for the co-creation of permanent peace …
- As an Ambassador of Peace, Jasmuheen has also worked with various levels of government including presenting her work to the UN over a number of years in Vienna and New York and again in 2013.
- Through this time she has been instrumental in helping to educate millions into better global resource usage via developing a stronger connection to the Divine resource within.
- You can see her YouTube videos on
- Jasmuheen’s work in the favelas of Brazil
- and her liaison’s with various Tribal cultures in South America including the Arhuaco and Kogi of Colombia
- and also in her work in India.

Her research into alternate nutrition …
- Since 1993 Jasmuheen has been personally nourished by prana and since then has lived without the need to take physical food as she is Source fed or nourished by Cosmic Micro-Fuel.
- Jasmuheen regularly shares updates into her research on alternate nourishment and it’s effects on health and our environment and also provides deeper connections and insights into the pure Essence nature that sustains all life.
- For more on her research on this click here …

Jasmuheen the yogini …
- A meditator since 1973, Jasmuheen, specialises in deep inner plane journeys using the alchemical meditative process to allow people to merge even deeper with their own enlightened nature.
- A deeply peaceful person, Jasmuheen is light, entertaining and always filled with love and her gatherings are always inspirational!
- You may also enjoy her famous life changing meditations. This includes her free meditations as well.

Her biography …
- Read Jasmuheen’s background, achievements & training …
In the below video, we share a brief insight into some of Jasmuheen previous – simultaneous lives – and her training. This video is only for the open minded.
Her websites …
- For more on Jasmuheen, enjoy her personal website www.jasmuheen.com
- Her books, meditations and music.
- Also you may enjoying inspiring stories of her life at this YouTube playlist link.
- her Holistic education platform

Your support …
- Does living in a healthy, happy, harmonious reality appeal to you?
- Do you feel inspired to add to this world in a positive and uplifting way?
- Would you like to share uplifting and life enhancing programs with others?
- Then connect in with our Affiliate Program now.
So many ask us if they can make a donation to support all the free work we do on our social media channels, particularly all our free data on YouTube and also with the Embassy of Peace, so YES you can click here to do this now!
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